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  • Where can I find the Nail Guides for dip and builder gel?
    The following guides are available on the Shop Nail Guides page: Dip Nails 101 (how to dip with dip liquids) Gel Method Dip Nails 101 (how to dip with gel liquids) Builder Gel Nails 101 (how to apply a builder gel overlay)
  • Is Nicole a professional nail tech?
    No, I (Nicole) am a self taught, nail obsessed DIYer. I spent 4 years learning everything I could from nail tech educational information to put it all together into ONE place. So DIYers wouldn't have to spend hours watching videos or searching for information.
  • Disclaimer
    Disclaimer: I am not a professional nail technician. This information contained herein is what works for me as a long time DIYer. If any reaction occurs, immediately stop using all nail products and consult a physician. Use of any nail products recommended in this guide is at your own discretion. This nail dip tutorial with dip liquids was created by Nicole's Beauty Scene, LLC to help you learn how to do your DIY nails at home as a self taught nail enthusiast. Nicole's Beauty Scene LLC is not a professional nail technician. HEALTH DISCLAIMER The information contained on our Site, Products and/or Services do not constitute therapy, mental health, or medical advice or care and is not intended to be substituted for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek help from your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you have about your physical and mental health or medical condition. Never disregard the advice of your doctor, mental health provider or other qualified healthcare professional, or delay in seeking it because of information you read on Site, Products and/or Services. CONTACT A MEDICAL PROVIDER: Always seek the advice from or consult with your doctor, mental health provider or other qualified healthcare provider before participating in any exercise program, using any advice, products or services made accessible by us, and/or undertaking any health protocol or regimen found on our Site, Products and/or Services. Do not start or stop any medications without speaking to your medical or mental health provider. In connection with our Site, Products and/or Services, we are not creating a doctor-patient or therapist-patient relationship of any kind. You acknowledge and agree that when participating in any health regimen, training, program, activity, or the like, and/or undertaking any advice found on our Site, Products and/or Services, that there is a possibility of physical injury, emotional distress and/or death, and you assume the risk and responsibility for any such results. By using the digital product and engaging in nail care or product application techniques, you acknowledge your understanding of and responsibility for adhering to these health and safety warnings.
  • Copyright Notice and License
    COPYRIGHT NOTICE & LICENSE: Please take notice that this nail guide is our intellectual property and is protected by copyright law. We grant you one non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use this nail guide for your own individual personal use. You are not allowed to reproduce, distribute, sell, duplicate, or share the materials or any portion thereof with any third party without the express written consent of Nicole’s Beauty Scene LLC. Should you unlawfully share, reproduce, distribute, sell, duplicate this nail guide, you agree to pay for the license you stole.
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